Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inspire Me!

Hello Loyal Followers of POTW! I have been kinda absent lately, sorry I left you alone so long, but I am trying to get back on track. A little about me, I am 6" tall Blonde... er wait, wrong Blog...

I have been un-inspired lately, so I thought here is something to get some juices flowing. Some of you know I made a few T-Shirts of Utica-Centric Photos, surprise, surprise....

Well I wanted to make more and I was not sure which photos to go with. So I Combed the Desert and I came up with some pictures I liked.

I numbered the pics below so do me a favor and take a look at the pics and rate em for me.

Por ejemplo: (01) -**** - This means Picture (01) gets Four Stars *

Each asterisk * is a Star, get it? So rate them * - **** One Star through Four Stars. I may be be over thinking the rating system, but I want it clear, cuz the ultimate vote count will influence what shirts I make.

Further more, if anyone sees a picture that they would like on a shirt lemme know, I have been known to give prizes...

-Okey Dokey























Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its been a long time, shouldna left u...

Yeah, I got dope beats...

Happy 2011 all, shouldn't we be in flying cars by now? 

Anywhoo, this weeks installment is about the White City in Tel Aviv Israel. For those of you that do not know what I am referring to, feel free to click on the hot links (im so hi-tech). Some of you may know I am a huge Bauhaus fan, no not the 80's band, to me the Bauhaus represents design at its best.

The photos below are taken from my favorite website The Library of Congress Photo Archive feel free to brows, but beware u may get lost in there.

I apologize for such a gap between installments, but life gets hectic at times. So enjoy the pics and if you feel like sharing a comment, or another pic, feel free.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hey Now!

After polling our audience, I am attempting to keep the members we have and perhaps grow if we can. So in that spirit this week's POTW posting is about the NYCRR (New York Central Railroad) West Side Freight Line, although some of you may know it as the Highline.

A little about the pics, in 1934 the NYCRR built the West Side Elevated Freight Line, however from 1857-1934 all freight bound for the west side of Manhattan was sent down 11th Avenue. In order to avoid accidents, the trains were preceded by a "West Side Cowboy". These men were required by the city to be provided by the contractor of the rails to ride in front of the trains to clear the tracks so there was a safe passageway.

So this series has both photos of the West Side Elevated Freight Line and the grade level trains escorted by horseback riders. It must have been a site to see a man riding a horse down 11th avenue being followed by a Steam Locomotive spewing steam into the air.

Today the Highline has new life as a park, that was renovated and landscaped to one of the nicest parks I have seen in Manhattan.

As this Blog is evolving i hope to take suggestions from the group of what to add and subtract. However due to my obsession and our mutual backgrounds, I will always include a Mohawk Valley Centric photo or two.

So enjoy the pics, participate in the comments and have a great Wednesday!



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Inside the Lakeside Radio Studio

Just thought Id share some pics from inside the studio. We started boozing during the show last week .... and that led to things getting a little nuts during the wrap party!

Here's the setup... and yes, I actually run all that equipment during the show.... that's why i mess up sometimes. I need an intern! Each DJ has their own computer in addition to what you see below if they want to be able to add digital content while we're on the air. We werent actually "on the air" at that point but I had the "on air" sign on for effect. I should probably also mention that this does not show the server in the back room that connects to our offsite host that allows us to support at this time up to 100 concurrent listeners.

DJ Blue and Tommy D

Hard at work!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Just Another Friday

Hey all, I am still getting the hang of this here Blog, so bare with me. In the future I plan to have a theme for each posting and hopefully some useful information for yous.

This week is all Utica pics, taken mostly courtesy of the This Week In History section in the OD.

So whatever it is that you do this weekend, be it covering for your boss, or just kicking back with a Black Forest, enjoy and take it easy.
