Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its been a long time, shouldna left u...

Yeah, I got dope beats...

Happy 2011 all, shouldn't we be in flying cars by now? 

Anywhoo, this weeks installment is about the White City in Tel Aviv Israel. For those of you that do not know what I am referring to, feel free to click on the hot links (im so hi-tech). Some of you may know I am a huge Bauhaus fan, no not the 80's band, to me the Bauhaus represents design at its best.

The photos below are taken from my favorite website The Library of Congress Photo Archive feel free to brows, but beware u may get lost in there.

I apologize for such a gap between installments, but life gets hectic at times. So enjoy the pics and if you feel like sharing a comment, or another pic, feel free.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!