Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inspire Me!

Hello Loyal Followers of POTW! I have been kinda absent lately, sorry I left you alone so long, but I am trying to get back on track. A little about me, I am 6" tall Blonde... er wait, wrong Blog...

I have been un-inspired lately, so I thought here is something to get some juices flowing. Some of you know I made a few T-Shirts of Utica-Centric Photos, surprise, surprise....

Well I wanted to make more and I was not sure which photos to go with. So I Combed the Desert and I came up with some pictures I liked.

I numbered the pics below so do me a favor and take a look at the pics and rate em for me.

Por ejemplo: (01) -**** - This means Picture (01) gets Four Stars *

Each asterisk * is a Star, get it? So rate them * - **** One Star through Four Stars. I may be be over thinking the rating system, but I want it clear, cuz the ultimate vote count will influence what shirts I make.

Further more, if anyone sees a picture that they would like on a shirt lemme know, I have been known to give prizes...

-Okey Dokey





















